Friday, February 12, 2010

Encourage Bible Phrases What Bible Teahings May Encourage Christian To Support Developing Countries ?

What bible teahings may encourage christian to support developing countries ? - encourage bible phrases

What the Bible and church teachings might be used to encourage individuals and groups to work and support for developing countries?


भारतीय said...

Is one thing and doing nothing. Because I know that means this problem. There are already 2 billion Christians, how else do you want?
Christianity can not solve the problem in the Third World. In fact, for the first time in their house in order. Take your first humans to each other and not shooting at each other respect. Teach them to be more tolerant of other religions and cultures. Teaching will not shock you when someone differs from their opinions. Is this the same thing in the world that are taught Christianity to it can say more and more people.
Otherwise, if Christianity does not even solve the problems of their country, like other countries.
Contact holy land of thousands of people each year in bloodshed, while living among the people of our holy land of different religions live peacefully together. You can send a mosque next to the temple of the sacred Hindu, but it is inconceivable that the Abrahamic religions because these religions are intolerant nature others.So see Teach Yourself to solve, and only then, otherProblems.

Uncle Remus 54 said...

The first answer is correct.

In Acts we read how her mother helped found the church of Jerusalem, or has been helped by other churches. So, certainly more time to fellow Christians in other countries for many years.

And were in the Old Testament, the Jews in Babylon, sent aid and assistance to people in Jerusalem with Ezra and Nehemiah in trying to build Jerusalem.

The relationship was one of belief or ethnic origin.

In general, the teachings of Jesus to his disciples and followers are still trying, those who were not capable to help. Since this is the golden rule, and the story of the Good Samaritan are the central themes in Christian activities.

As for the construction of other countries. The Bible says that without vision people perish. And God's purpose for believers is to show that God wants to build a people for His glory and honor. So, to build themselves.

Just as Nehemiah urged his fellow believers to build, around the walls of Jerusalem. The sHared this vision with them. And many have been caught in this vision and in 52 days, walls were built. Because everyone wants to work towards this goal. For most of what Christianity has tried to do in the past in other countries.

In fact, when the Communists took over some of the countries in which Christian missionary work atmosphere was very easy for them. Since the Christians had to work hard to develop support for the training and the first the country. So, later, the Communists would come and chase them and resume work. Do not build the individual, but to shoot them.

Enough said. Later.

big dawgs lady said...

Malachi 1:11, Matthew 24:14, Matthew 28:19, Luke 24:47, Acts 13:3, Acts 13:47, Acts 16:9, Acts 26: 18, Romans 19:15, Revelation 14:6. "And a vision appeared to Paul in the night, a man of Macedonia stood and asked him, saying," Come over and help us. "Acts 16:9. Hope this helped. Blessing.

wild-man of Borneo said...

Look at the real world.
Decode the words "You'll see"
"Love is love
"Love Changes Everything"
"The only way"
"He Is not Heavy He's My Brother"
"You are the sunshine of my life"
The book of life in a new universal language and one speech in living words.
Luke 21,30-36
Lucas 6.39-40,41-45,46-49
Lucas 9.25,55-56,60
1. Timothy 6.7
Lucas 8.5-8,10-17
4.4 Lucas
Genesis 11.1,3-9
Luke 6,26-38
Luke 12,51-53
Luke 14,26-35
Matt 5.9,14
Revelation 22,13-17
Luke 15,4-32
Luke 10.20
Lucas 24.44-45,47-48
Exodus 20,1-7
Exodus 20.12
Exodus 20.1-18
Matt 22.17-21,32
What do you think?

ominouso... said...

You can not man alone Christians, instead of trying to brainwash and manipulate all?

the raven said...

Education is badly written, so that when you read to open the New Testament and come back to me

fer real said...

I do not know the verses, but many Christian missionaries who were not already?

Smooth Kitty AY AE said...

Live and let live

God's servant said...

Go into the world and preach the gospel

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